The Law Offices of Paul R. Hammons has helped hundreds of clients in the courtroom, in the boardroom, and at tax time. Our unique educational and professional background offers our clients a “one-stop-shop” to solve all of their Estate, Probate, Tax and Accounting-related needs.

In the substantive areas of law in which we practice, there are few client issues that we haven’t already run across. Below is a list of our broad legal specializations, and finer points of the law associated with each one. On the ensuing pages you will find Case Studies that focus on a particular legal issue faced by one of our clients, and the outcome achieved as a result of our representation of the client’s interests.

In summary, our practical experience in successfully handling past client issues can be of considerable benefit to clients currently confronting similar issues.

Estate Litigation

Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Heirship to Property
Quiet Title Actions
Trust Interpretations
Undue Influence & Fraud

Probate Administration

Financial Elder Abuse
Petition for Probate
Letters of Administration
Letters of Testamentary
Spousal Petitions
Marshalling Assets

Accountings & Taxes

Informal Estate Accountings
Formal Estate Accountings
Estate Tax Returns
Trust & Fiduciary Returns
Beneficary Tax Returns